
Naked in Shame / Clothed with Grace

Join us as Pastor Taylor preaches a Sermon entitled "Naked in Shame / Clothed with Grace". Some key takeaways from this sermon include:

  1. But God asks the two, “Who told you that you were naked?” Not why! But “Who told you?” Because God knew the two were always naked. They were created naked. And God and humankind felt no shame in their nakedness because humans were created in the image of God, and God called them good.
  2. This is what creates the divide between God and humankind because doubt, temptation, and shame cause the goodness we feel about ourselves and the goodness we were created in to feel tainted. This divide is death.
  3. This divine pursuit is an expression of God's grace. It means that no matter how far we stray, no matter how deeply we hide, no matter how low we fall to shame, God seeks us out, desiring to restore our relationship and close the divide of death that was established.

Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture reading: Genesis 3:1-24. (Read by Kim Ceccatti).

Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpcallentown.org/sunday-worship for more details.

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First Presbyterian Church Allentown
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