
An Amazing Inclusive Truth

Join us as Pastor Kathryn preaches a Sermon entitled "An Amazing Inclusive Truth". Some key takeaways from this sermon include:

  1. "If I ever saw a title that summarized the bible in two words, I think LOVE WINS would be those two."
  2. "Peter, the Apostle, might have thought that God changed God's mind about the Jewish law; when in fact, God changed Peter's mind about it."
  3. "The Amazing Inclusive Truth of God is that ALL people are acceptable to God if they respect God and use LOVE as guide for their lives."

Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Acts 10:34-35 and Romans 12:6-21. (Read by Nelson Rabenold).

Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpcallentown.org/sunday-worship for more details.

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First Presbyterian Church Allentown
Check out the FPC Allentown Sunday Sermons on the go.