
Words for the Beginning: The Road isn't Straight

Life often unfolds in ways that surprise us, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. How have you felt God's presence when your life took an unexpected turn?

This Epiphany Sunday, we conclude our Advent and Christmas journey with a sermon that looks forward. Join Pastor Taylor as we embark on the road of a new year, exploring the unexpected paths and detours in a message titled "The Road Isn't Straight."

This sermon concludes our series inspired by "Words for the Beginning" from "A Sanctified Art".

Today's scripture readings are Isaiah 43:16-21 & Matthew 2:1-12 (Read by Bob Martin)

If you'd like your very own Star Word for 2025, stop by the church office, or reach out to us via Social Media or through the church's website.

Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpcallentown.org/sunday-worship for more details. For a text transcript of the sermon, please check it on the FPCA Blog: blog.fpcallentown.org

About the Podcast

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First Presbyterian Church Allentown
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