
The Fruits of the Spirit: Courage

Who has been an example of courage in your life?  What have you learned from their example?

Reflect on this question as you go about your day, and join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "The Fruits of the Spirit: Courage".

Due to some technical glitches on Sunday, we were unable to capture all of the Scripture readings. If you'd like, take a moment to read through Joshua 1:1-9 and Romans 8:31-35, 37-39.

And join us in our unison Prayer for Illumination:

Loving God, fountain of every blessing, open us to your life-giving word, and fill us with your Holy Spirit so that living water may flow through our hearts - a spring of hope for a thirsty world; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpcallentown.org/sunday-worship for more details. For a text transcript of the sermon, please check it on the FPCA Blog: blog.fpcallentown.org

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First Presbyterian Church Allentown
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