
Our Faith and Our Work (2024)

How have you seen God at work through your "work?"

Reflect on this question as you go about your day, and join us as 6 of our members shared stories of "How have they have saught to serve God in their work?", and "How have they seen God at work in their work?". So come along as Kim Ceccatti, Andy Baranek, Dr. Laura Furge, Dr. Treasure Walker, Joel Hurley, and Kristi Smith share their stories of their Faith and their Work.

Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Matthew 5: 14-16 and Romans 12: 1-2, 9-13

Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpcallentown.org/sunday-worship for more details.

About the Podcast

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First Presbyterian Church Allentown
Check out the FPC Allentown Sunday Sermons on the go.