
Divine Wisdom for a Hungry World

Join us as guest preacher and church member Janine Carambot Santoro preaches a Sermon entitled "Divine Wisdom for a Hungry World". As well as a our Children's Sermon from Pastor Taylor featuring "Jesus Feeds the 5000" from the Spark Story Bible.

And, as you go about your day, think on this:

In what ways has the idea of scarcity prevented us from sharing what we have with others – whether that be our wealth, our time, our talents, or our grace and kindness towards others?

Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Psalm 14 and John 6:1-15 (Read by Bill White)

A little bit of info about Janine: Janine Carambot Santoro (she/her) serves the City of Bethlehem as the Director of Equity and Inclusion. She currently works alongside City Hall employees and community partners to co-create the City's first Equity Plan and an Environmental Justice framework for approaching the City's Climate Action Plan. Janine received her B.A. in English and Psychology from Rutgers University (NJ), her M.Div from Drew Theological School (NJ), and has obtained both her Diversity and Inclusion Certificate and Equitable Community Change certificates from Cornell University (NY). She currently serves as the President of the Latino Leadership Alliance of the Lehigh Valley (LLALV), a board member of Fairness PA, and is a candidate for ordination within the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination. Janine enjoys spending her time with her partner, Steve, and getting into (good) trouble with her beautiful, kind, and smart children, Joseph and Hannah.

Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpcallentown.org/sunday-worship for more details.

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First Presbyterian Church Allentown
Check out the FPC Allentown Sunday Sermons on the go.